Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Miscellaneous Musings, Friends Edition

Thanks to the city library and their insane practice of lending out DVDs (good thing I don't have a burner), I've been watching a lot of Friends lately. In early Season 10, I've noticed a lot of guest stars that have gone on to play pretty prominent supporting roles on other shows. Obviously the show had many guest stars, some of whom were already pretty well known. But these caught my eye.

Aisha Tyler - 24
Ellen Pompeo - Grey's Anatomy
Gregory Itzin - 24
Cristine Rose - Heroes

Ok, so there aren't THAT many so far. But when I saw the last two sitting side by side, knowing they are now on opposing shows on Mondays at 9:00 (Although I don't know if Itzin will be back on 24), it made me chuckle.

Also, I'd like to take this opportunity to say that How I Met Your Mother better come back next season, because I'm "waiting for it."

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