Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday... How I Met Your Mother... Ep. 3-13... "Ten Sessions"

So, unfortunately, I wasn't thrilled with Britney Spears or Sarah Chalke in their roles. So the whole episode for me kind of... not bombed, but wasn't up to HIMYM standards.

Stella (Chalke) mentioned a St. Patrick's Day party, so the writers seem to be dropping a lot more clues and/or red herrings about the mother's identity. I really don't think she is the mother because the character already has a daughter and I think the writers would have cast an actress not committed to another network series to play a larger role.

Britney was hyped up, and decent, but really didn't add anything or make much of an impact. I'm not really sure why Alicia Silverstone's reps didn't want her doing the episode. It's not like Alicia gets publicity these days, so she wouldn't have really been overshadowed by comparison.

So, the show is called How I Met Your Mother, not While I Dated Your Mother. So, once Ted meets her, and it has to be a big deal because "Future Ted" is telling such a long story, that's kinda it. Obviously they could go on and discover the relationship, but I don't know. I'm thinking we may meet the mother in the season finale in case it doesn't get renewed. It looks like there are seven episodes left in the season, Wikipedia has 5 "TBA"s from April 21 though May 19.

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