Diana Ross sounds weird, and I think she took a few sips out of Paula's glass.
I tuned in late. I think I saw Phil in the bottom 3, and the last spot in the bottom 3 will be either Sanjaya, who should leave, or Haley, who I picked to leave last week in my ultimate week-by-week predictions.
Won't be surprised if Phil goes home though. Ooh, Brandon is the other one in the bottom 3. Heck, I'm not gonna be shocked or sad if any of these people leave.
Sanjaya is in the bottom 3! I love being wrong.
Phil is safe. It's GOTTA be Sanjaya that leaves. Come on.
Sanjaya is safe. Brandon is gone. What the heck is going on?
I had Brandon leaving on April 4 - after Haley, Sanjaya and Phil. So, the bottom 3 are in my top 4 to leave. So maybe I'll get them all out of order, but the top 8 should be about right.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Monday... 24... Ep. 6-13... "6:00 PM-7:00 PM"
CTU is watching as Logan is being brought in. Milo makes a brief half-second appearance for the first time since he got shot. Logan asks Chloe who she is, then what's going on with Bauer. She can't talk now. She says he has the security camera to keep him company, and to stay put in holding.
Buchanan calls a meeting and introduces everyone to Mike Doyle and tells all of them Bauer is being held captive. Milo plays dumb so the new guy can puff out his chest and tell everyone that their primary goal is to capture Markov, then get Jack out. Milo continues to argue, not being able to do much else with his right arm in a sling. Ooh, apparenty Milo has issues with Doyle and says he is a jerk, just like John Denver. Wait, that was IN Denver.
Chloe comes back in after missing the whole meeting and asks Morris for the summary. He tells her that the goal is to get Markov, not Jack. This does not make Chloe very happy.
Speaking of Jack, he sees his friend who tried to help him a week ago (five minutes ago?) and he's lying on the floor. A guard kicks Jack and tosses him down the stairs. He then calls Markov asking if he should kill the American. Jack plays unconscious, and somehow knows just exactly when the guard is raising his gun. He lassos his belt around the gun (!) and tosses the guard to the ground! Jack worms his way to the gun while the guard grabs a small cuticle knife. No contest. Markov watches as the guard gets shot. He tells his men to find him in the basement, as if he would just stick around. No one can find him behind that one suitcase! Markov instructs everyone to turn off everything everywhere. Jack gets to the phone and calls CTU but can't finish his call! "Damn it!" So, he moves some fuse wires around and turns out the lights.
Milo tells Buchanan that Jack just called and Bill tells Milo to continue messanger duties, and to tell Doyle that Jack is not dispensable.
Buchanan tells Logan his plan to attack, and Logan doesn't agree. Logan tells Bill that he knows a way to convince President Subaru-ov to act against Markov. His insane ex-wife, Martha.
Doyle walks from computer to computer pointing out things that are wrong. Nobody likes him. He grabs Morris by the neck because Morris takes 2 extra seconds! Then he makes a big speech about him being in charge, and he don't want no lip. Milo tells Doyle not to manhandle the nice bald guy, and to come to him with any problems.
Lennox meets with VP and says he will look the other way, for now. But the truth will prevail! But VP wants Lennox to flat out lie and say he SAW Assad plant the bomb. Lennox doesn't like it, and VP spits on him. VP convinces Lennox to go along with it, because we're mad as hell!
Gredenko, still way out in plain sight where nobody is looking, is getting the bombs ready. Hey CTU, why not hover around and look for people surrounded by airplanes and drones?
Buchanan tells VP his thoughts about Martha and attacking the consulate and VP tells CTU to plan as if they're going to attack the consulate.
Aaron is taking care of Martha Logan, giving her fruit and magazines. Logan calls. Aaron answers "Martha Logan's Bungalow!" Logan gives him the skinny while Martha gets angry. Aaron continues to argue that she does not want to speak with him, but Logan mentions the Suvarovs. Martha jumps and gets on the phone. Luckily they're only minutes away from CTU so Logan is going to come see them.
Bill tells Logan they are going to attack, and if he doesn't like it, he has to get Martha's cooperation, Suvarov's wife's attention and Suvarov's demand to make Markov surrender before it's too late. It's a long shot.
Jack finds two Russians loving it up in a back room and asks them how they contact the outside world. Jack threatens them and asks for a phone, or he will kill them. The guy leaves and he tells the girl she'll be fine. Unless of course CTU attacks the consulate, which is very possible.
Logan arrives at the bungalow and Aaron refuses to shake hands. Aaron says Martha changed her mind, and she doesn't want to see him. Don't remember her ever agreeing to see him. But she pops out of her room when she notices how thin he is. He tells her the season's recap but doesn't want to go into any more detail. Martha will not dance like a monkey, and doesn't think Logan's "prison" is all that bad. Martha asks Aaron what to do, and he tells her to do it. She dances for him now.
VP and Lennox sits down with the Ambassador. VP threatens that he will attack his country unless they help him find the rest of the bombs.
Mrs. Suvarov is giving a speech and cannot be bothered yet. Logan apologizes for upsetting Martha and she starts getting frisky with Aaron in front of him. She starts getting very angry and takes it out on some kiwi. Logan says a few nice words to Aaron and Martha loses it again. She gets up with her fruit and stops short. She takes a knife and stabs Logan! She hits an artery! Good aim Martha! Logan is bleeding bad.
Bill wants to know if Martha can still talk to Suvarov. Aaron doesn't know. She says of course, she's not crazy! Anya doesn't know much. She tells Anya that details are very important, except apparently for Logan. Anya asks for more information...
...Seconds later, Suvarov commands Markov to surrender and to give up Jack unharmed. Markov disobeys and hangs up. Suvarov tells Bill that Markov won't give up, and agrees to the attack on the consulate.
Jack finally gets the phone from the lovebirds. (Chloe could've gotten it in seconds.) A couple of guards come in and start shooting. Man lovebird is hit!
CTU attacks the consulate. Guards down! Jack and the woman are ok.
Markov calls Gredenko and tells him they are under attack and to launch the drones immediately.
Doyle introduces himself to Jack.
The drone is ready to launch.
Bill tells CTU to focus on Shadow Valley.
Logan wakes up, says "Martha" and flatlines.
Buchanan calls a meeting and introduces everyone to Mike Doyle and tells all of them Bauer is being held captive. Milo plays dumb so the new guy can puff out his chest and tell everyone that their primary goal is to capture Markov, then get Jack out. Milo continues to argue, not being able to do much else with his right arm in a sling. Ooh, apparenty Milo has issues with Doyle and says he is a jerk, just like John Denver. Wait, that was IN Denver.
Chloe comes back in after missing the whole meeting and asks Morris for the summary. He tells her that the goal is to get Markov, not Jack. This does not make Chloe very happy.
Speaking of Jack, he sees his friend who tried to help him a week ago (five minutes ago?) and he's lying on the floor. A guard kicks Jack and tosses him down the stairs. He then calls Markov asking if he should kill the American. Jack plays unconscious, and somehow knows just exactly when the guard is raising his gun. He lassos his belt around the gun (!) and tosses the guard to the ground! Jack worms his way to the gun while the guard grabs a small cuticle knife. No contest. Markov watches as the guard gets shot. He tells his men to find him in the basement, as if he would just stick around. No one can find him behind that one suitcase! Markov instructs everyone to turn off everything everywhere. Jack gets to the phone and calls CTU but can't finish his call! "Damn it!" So, he moves some fuse wires around and turns out the lights.
Milo tells Buchanan that Jack just called and Bill tells Milo to continue messanger duties, and to tell Doyle that Jack is not dispensable.
Buchanan tells Logan his plan to attack, and Logan doesn't agree. Logan tells Bill that he knows a way to convince President Subaru-ov to act against Markov. His insane ex-wife, Martha.
Doyle walks from computer to computer pointing out things that are wrong. Nobody likes him. He grabs Morris by the neck because Morris takes 2 extra seconds! Then he makes a big speech about him being in charge, and he don't want no lip. Milo tells Doyle not to manhandle the nice bald guy, and to come to him with any problems.
Lennox meets with VP and says he will look the other way, for now. But the truth will prevail! But VP wants Lennox to flat out lie and say he SAW Assad plant the bomb. Lennox doesn't like it, and VP spits on him. VP convinces Lennox to go along with it, because we're mad as hell!
Gredenko, still way out in plain sight where nobody is looking, is getting the bombs ready. Hey CTU, why not hover around and look for people surrounded by airplanes and drones?
Buchanan tells VP his thoughts about Martha and attacking the consulate and VP tells CTU to plan as if they're going to attack the consulate.
Aaron is taking care of Martha Logan, giving her fruit and magazines. Logan calls. Aaron answers "Martha Logan's Bungalow!" Logan gives him the skinny while Martha gets angry. Aaron continues to argue that she does not want to speak with him, but Logan mentions the Suvarovs. Martha jumps and gets on the phone. Luckily they're only minutes away from CTU so Logan is going to come see them.
Bill tells Logan they are going to attack, and if he doesn't like it, he has to get Martha's cooperation, Suvarov's wife's attention and Suvarov's demand to make Markov surrender before it's too late. It's a long shot.
Jack finds two Russians loving it up in a back room and asks them how they contact the outside world. Jack threatens them and asks for a phone, or he will kill them. The guy leaves and he tells the girl she'll be fine. Unless of course CTU attacks the consulate, which is very possible.
Logan arrives at the bungalow and Aaron refuses to shake hands. Aaron says Martha changed her mind, and she doesn't want to see him. Don't remember her ever agreeing to see him. But she pops out of her room when she notices how thin he is. He tells her the season's recap but doesn't want to go into any more detail. Martha will not dance like a monkey, and doesn't think Logan's "prison" is all that bad. Martha asks Aaron what to do, and he tells her to do it. She dances for him now.
VP and Lennox sits down with the Ambassador. VP threatens that he will attack his country unless they help him find the rest of the bombs.
Mrs. Suvarov is giving a speech and cannot be bothered yet. Logan apologizes for upsetting Martha and she starts getting frisky with Aaron in front of him. She starts getting very angry and takes it out on some kiwi. Logan says a few nice words to Aaron and Martha loses it again. She gets up with her fruit and stops short. She takes a knife and stabs Logan! She hits an artery! Good aim Martha! Logan is bleeding bad.
Bill wants to know if Martha can still talk to Suvarov. Aaron doesn't know. She says of course, she's not crazy! Anya doesn't know much. She tells Anya that details are very important, except apparently for Logan. Anya asks for more information...
...Seconds later, Suvarov commands Markov to surrender and to give up Jack unharmed. Markov disobeys and hangs up. Suvarov tells Bill that Markov won't give up, and agrees to the attack on the consulate.
Jack finally gets the phone from the lovebirds. (Chloe could've gotten it in seconds.) A couple of guards come in and start shooting. Man lovebird is hit!
CTU attacks the consulate. Guards down! Jack and the woman are ok.
Markov calls Gredenko and tells him they are under attack and to launch the drones immediately.
Doyle introduces himself to Jack.
The drone is ready to launch.
Bill tells CTU to focus on Shadow Valley.
Logan wakes up, says "Martha" and flatlines.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Miscellaneous Musings, Buffy Edition
Not much to muse about today, but a very special Happy Anniversary to Joss Whedon and his Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which aired it's first episode on March 10, 1997.
July 31 will be the 15th year anniversary of the movie release, but the TV show definitely had better reviews and probably more viewers. Some people are still surprised when they found out there was a movie.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, played by Sarah Michelle Gellar, lasted seven seasons on the WB and UPN. It also led to the spin-off series Angel, which started after season three of Buffy and lasted five seasons, going on one year after Buffy ended. Angel (David Boreanaz) made apperances on Buffy's final episodes, but Gellar only appeared on a handful of Angel episodes, and none after Buffy ended. Whedon had originally planned for only five seasons of Buffy, according to a Q&A with TVGuide.com in December.
Buffy has been sort of a measuring stick for some of the newer TV shows, with studios knowing that a strong cast and storytelling is needed to make shows, especially genre-strong ones, work.

Egged on to have the series make a comeback or at least have some TV-movies with some of the favorite characters (Spike comes to mind), Whedon will be writing some comic books now. Rather than comics and novels that stood by themselves, Buffy: Season 8 will be a graphic continuation of the television show. The series should be 20-30 issues and will be written by Whedon along with some comic book pro writers and some former Buffy writers.
Whedon also had a comic series called Fray, which was about another Slayer in the future, but I can't seem to find anything that leads me to believe there were more than eight of those, but sold over 200,000 copies combined. "One issue of Fray was a year late," says Whedon.
Obviously due to his success with strong female characters, Joss was writing and re-writing the anticipated and probably required if-it's-a-comic-it-has-to-be-a-movie Wonder Woman film, but is no longer attached. Rumor has it the front-runner to play the lead was How I Met Your Mother's Cobie Smulders, who I think would have been awesome.
A little where are they now for ya:
Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy) starred in both The Grudge movies (2004, 2006). She voiced April O'Neil in the new animated TMNT movie, due out in March. She also has three movies coming out: Alice, Addicted and Suburban Girl.
Nicholas Brendon (Xander) starred in a couple of TV shows, Kitchen Confidential and a voice in the Disney Channel's American Dragon: Jake Long. He has a horror movie coming out in 2008 called Unholy.
Alyson Hannigan (Willow) currently stars in How I Met Your Mother, which has been a show for a few Buffy alums to guest-star on. She has regular roles in parody movies, including Date Movie and Farce of the Penguins. She also had a recurring role on the TV cult-hit Veronica Mars, another show centered by a strong female character.
Anthony Stewart Head (Giles) will be appearing in the 2007 film Sweeney Todd, based on the Broadway musical. It stars Johnny Depp as the lead character. He also played Duncan in a modern retelling of Macbeth, which is in post-production.
James Marsters (Spike) had a recurring role on Smallville for eight episodes. He had a role in the 2006 horror film Shadow Puppets, which according to some seems to be a blatant rip-off of a Buffy episode where the gang lose their memories.
Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia) also had a story arc on Veronica Mars. She has also been in a few TV movies and posed for Playboy magazine in June 2004.
David Boreanaz (Angel) stars in the Fox drama Bones, which was recently renewed for a third season.
Eliza Dushku (Faith) starred as Tru Davies on the Fox drama Tru Calling, a low-rated show which also saw good DVD sales, like Whedon's Firefly. According to IMDb.com, she's in production on numerous projects.
and D.B. Woodside (Principal Wood) is the President of the Unites States on 24!
July 31 will be the 15th year anniversary of the movie release, but the TV show definitely had better reviews and probably more viewers. Some people are still surprised when they found out there was a movie.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, played by Sarah Michelle Gellar, lasted seven seasons on the WB and UPN. It also led to the spin-off series Angel, which started after season three of Buffy and lasted five seasons, going on one year after Buffy ended. Angel (David Boreanaz) made apperances on Buffy's final episodes, but Gellar only appeared on a handful of Angel episodes, and none after Buffy ended. Whedon had originally planned for only five seasons of Buffy, according to a Q&A with TVGuide.com in December.
Buffy has been sort of a measuring stick for some of the newer TV shows, with studios knowing that a strong cast and storytelling is needed to make shows, especially genre-strong ones, work.
Egged on to have the series make a comeback or at least have some TV-movies with some of the favorite characters (Spike comes to mind), Whedon will be writing some comic books now. Rather than comics and novels that stood by themselves, Buffy: Season 8 will be a graphic continuation of the television show. The series should be 20-30 issues and will be written by Whedon along with some comic book pro writers and some former Buffy writers.
Whedon also had a comic series called Fray, which was about another Slayer in the future, but I can't seem to find anything that leads me to believe there were more than eight of those, but sold over 200,000 copies combined. "One issue of Fray was a year late," says Whedon.
Obviously due to his success with strong female characters, Joss was writing and re-writing the anticipated and probably required if-it's-a-comic-it-has-to-be-a-movie Wonder Woman film, but is no longer attached. Rumor has it the front-runner to play the lead was How I Met Your Mother's Cobie Smulders, who I think would have been awesome.
A little where are they now for ya:
Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy) starred in both The Grudge movies (2004, 2006). She voiced April O'Neil in the new animated TMNT movie, due out in March. She also has three movies coming out: Alice, Addicted and Suburban Girl.
Nicholas Brendon (Xander) starred in a couple of TV shows, Kitchen Confidential and a voice in the Disney Channel's American Dragon: Jake Long. He has a horror movie coming out in 2008 called Unholy.
Alyson Hannigan (Willow) currently stars in How I Met Your Mother, which has been a show for a few Buffy alums to guest-star on. She has regular roles in parody movies, including Date Movie and Farce of the Penguins. She also had a recurring role on the TV cult-hit Veronica Mars, another show centered by a strong female character.
Anthony Stewart Head (Giles) will be appearing in the 2007 film Sweeney Todd, based on the Broadway musical. It stars Johnny Depp as the lead character. He also played Duncan in a modern retelling of Macbeth, which is in post-production.
James Marsters (Spike) had a recurring role on Smallville for eight episodes. He had a role in the 2006 horror film Shadow Puppets, which according to some seems to be a blatant rip-off of a Buffy episode where the gang lose their memories.
Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia) also had a story arc on Veronica Mars. She has also been in a few TV movies and posed for Playboy magazine in June 2004.
David Boreanaz (Angel) stars in the Fox drama Bones, which was recently renewed for a third season.
Eliza Dushku (Faith) starred as Tru Davies on the Fox drama Tru Calling, a low-rated show which also saw good DVD sales, like Whedon's Firefly. According to IMDb.com, she's in production on numerous projects.
and D.B. Woodside (Principal Wood) is the President of the Unites States on 24!
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