While not really a TV show, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (heretoforthwence known as Horrible) is approximately an hour long musical film from the mind of Joss Whedon. Whedon already had a bit of a musical hit with "Once More With Feeling," a sixth season episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Wikipedia notes that Feeling was ranked the 13th best musical all-time by Channel 4 in the United Kingdom.
Horrible was produced during the writer's strike for "a low six figures" and Act I appeared online on July 15, with Act II going "live" on the 16th, and Act III the 18th with the intention of all the videos going offline at the end of the night on July 20. All three acts were available for purchase on iTunes.
Horrible stars Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion and Felicia Day. Fillion and Day both worked with Whedon on Buffy, and Fillion also starred in the TV series Firefly and the film spin-off Serenity. Harris stars in How I Met Your Mother, which also stars former Buffy cast member Allyson Hannigan and has seen guest appearances by Alexis Denisof and Amy Acker (Angel).
Dr. Horrible (Harris) is attempting to get into the Evil League of Evil, but he must prove his worth to the League and it's leader, Bad Horse. While the first phase of his plan is mildly successful, he accidentally introduces his love interest Penny (Day) to the "hero," Captain Hammer (Fillion). The two connect, and Dr. Horrible must keep going. He lets his plan be known publicly through his video blog, and gets caught and beaten (literally) by the LAPD and Captain Hammer. All the while, his alter-ego Billy continues to try and talk to Penny while doing laundry. The two finally do connect, but not until after she starts to date Captain Hammer.