Saturday, February 24, 2007

Sunday... The Simpsons... Ep. 18-13... "Springfield Up"


Young Homer: I will be rich! I'll own a football team and a basketball team and I'll make them play baseball!

Wiggum: And here we are in now-times! As you can see, I've gotten everything i've ever wanted.
Lou (quietly): Except pants that fit.
Wiggum: I told you that if I let you in this movie, you couldn't make fun of me.
Lou: I'm not makin fun of you, I'm makin fun of your pants!
Wiggum: How'd you like if it I made fun of your pants?
Lou: Go ahead.
Wiggum: they're a little uh, th-they..Oh, they're perfect.

Desmond: Don't look at me, look at the camera.
Young Homer: Got it.
Desmond: I said look at the camera.
Young Homer: No problem. (looks down)
Desmond: Now you're looking at a mud puddle. That's your hand. That's the production accountant, that's your other hand! Do you even know what a camera is?
Young Homer: Gah, of cour-No.

Desmond: Are you two considering children?
20s Homer: Puh, kids? No way. You'll never see a couple of rugrats tying me down!
Homer (8 years later): You better not put this shot after the one where I said I won't have kids. That would be a devastating edit.

Desmond: You win, Homer. I guess there's no way I can embarrass you any further.
Caption: Barely literate, Smells like feet.

Young Moe: Oh crap, my first kiss.
Young Comic Book Guy: You could do a lot worse, my friend.

Desmond: Homer Jay Simpson, your fabulous millionaire lifestyle is all a lie!
Lisa (coming in the room): Oh, Father. My pony Buttercup can jump ever so high! -- Ooh boy, it's Mr. Burns!

Burns: I've heard enough. Release the hounds.
Smithers: Uh sir, your hounds are still at the winter house.
Burns: Well, bring them over in that Du-rango.

Homer: All these years I was dreaming of other things, I was actually doing what I really wanted! Hanging out with my family, drinking with my friends, making friends with my family and hanging with my drinking.

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